Augusta University
Augusta, Georgia
Tiffany Coleman, MS, MPH, CIP is the IRB Reliance Coordinator at Augusta University, an AAHRPP accredited institution. She earned her Master of Science and Master of Public Health degrees from Walden University. She also is a Certified IRB Professional which is a certification for individuals administering and overseeing the daily activities of institutional review boards (IRBs). Mrs. Coleman has worked for the Augusta University IRB for 7 years and has held several positions within this department. Currently, she is responsible for overseeing local research studies utilizing external IRB’s in which AU serves as the single IRB (sIRB) or relies on another IRB. Within this role, Mrs. Coleman is responsible for negotiation and execution of reliance agreements. She develops policies, guidelines and procedures related to the reliance agreement process and serves as the primary point of contact for local and external investigators. Mrs. Coleman manages research studies performed solely at Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center (CNVAMC), in which AU serves as the sIRB. Mrs. Coleman is also an IRB Committee member and serves as a designated IRB reviewer for expedited and exempt reviewed studies. In addition, she has served on the SMART IRB Harmonization Steering Committee workgroup charged with harmonization of Conflict of Interest review practices.
F13 - Creating a Quality HRPP Reliance Program
Thursday, December 15, 2022
11:45 AM – 12:45 PM ET