Ft. Collins, Colorado
Tonya Hadjis, DVM, has been with APHIS Animal Care since July 2008, initially serving as the Veterinary Medical Officer for the greater Boston area. Currently, her position is Supervisory Animal Care Specialist, and she manages the Northeast territory which is covered by 9 inspector and consists of the six New England states, New York, and New Jersey.
Her USDA work involves many different aspects of the Animal Welfare Act, to include research facility regulations, dealers, brokers, exhibitors, and transporters. She meets with representatives from these groups regularly and serves as a resource for the inspectors. Tonya can be reached at:
C07 - Effectively Identify, Track, and Report Departures: Meeting OLAW and USDA Requirements
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
11:45 AM – 12:45 PM ET