Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
Rachel Murray, MS, CPIA, RLATG is a Senior Research Compliance Specialist at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. She has a Bachelor's in Animal Sciences from the University of Kentucky and a Master's in Biology, with a focus on translational research, from the University of Cincinnati. Rachel currently serves as the youngest member on CPIA Council and obtained her CPIA certification in 2013. Rachel is responsible for IACUC administration at her institution, with particular emphasis on protocol processing, policy and SOP development, and communication with regulatory agencies. Rachel has been involved in the IACUC field since 2010 and enjoys public presenting and providing continuing education to the research community and IACUC. Rachel enjoys meeting with Principal Investigators to establish a working relationship, allowing her to be a resource for any questions or concerns they may have. Rachel's passion is serving as a resource for her institution's IACUC members as well as for IACUC coordinators at other institutions on regulations and best practices.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET