University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Lisa Rigtrup is an Operations Manager at the University of Utah Institutional Review Board where she manages board member onboarding and training, convened meeting logistics, reviewing and processing SIRB reliance consultations, and serves as the IRB’s webmaster. Lisa also serves on The University’s Staff Council as the Communications Committee Chair and is the current President-Elect. Lisa sits on several ad-hoc committees related to her service on the Staff Council, including a Staff Excellence Awards Selection Committee Chair, and the Chair of the Marketing and PR Committee for the Utah Higher Education Staff Association (UHESA). Lisa is interested in how to increase community awareness of human subject research ethics using avenues that are fun and interesting. Lisa also enjoys spending time with her pets, gardening, and hanging out with friends on Xbox Live.
Mad Science on Trial: The Real Ethical Problems With Fictional Scientists
Thursday, December 15, 2022
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET