University of Nebraska Medical Center
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Nancy A. Olson, JD, is an IRB Administrator at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Nancy has more than 20 years experience working with Institutional Review Boards and consulting in the field of human research protections. She is one of the faculty members for PRIM&R's IRB Administrator programs, helped develop the IRB Administrator Mini-Bootcamp, is a member of PRIM&R's Poster Abstract Committee and a contributor to the soon to be released update to IRB Management and Function. Nancy has been a faculty member and speaker at PRIM&R regional and national meetings,including At Your Doorstep, and an AAHRPP conference speaker. She was a member of the SACHRP Subpart A Subcommittee, served as a consultant to the Office for Human Research Protections, served as the Co-Chair of PRIM&R's Advancing Ethical Research Conference Poster Abstract Sub-Committee and was a PRIM&R Board Member and ARENA president.
C02 - Building Your Toolbox: Strategies for Educating and Training Adult Learners
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
11:45 AM – 12:45 PM ET